Source code for scrubadub_spacy.detectors.spacy_name_title

from typing import Generator, Optional, Sequence, List, Iterable

    import spacy
    from spacy.language import Language
    from spacy.tokens import Doc
    from spacy.tokens import Span
except ImportError as e:
    if == "spacy":
        raise ImportError(
            "Could not find module 'spacy'. If you want to use extras,"
            " make sure you install scrubadub with 'pip install scrubadub[spacy]'"

from scrubadub.detectors.catalogue import register_detector
from scrubadub.filth import Filth
from .spacy import SpacyEntityDetector

def expand_person_entities(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) -> spacy.tokens.doc.Doc:
    """ Expand person entity by person title.

    This is the spacy method for adding a label on top of the normal named entity labels.
    This method preserves the existing labels as well as creating a new label for expanded person entities.
    The expanded person entities can be retrieved by using the list doc._.person_titles.
    Each item in the list doc._.person_titles is a spacy.tokens.span.Span,
    which contains the start and end locations.

    :return: spacy doc object
    if doc._.person_titles is None:
        doc._.person_titles = []

    if (doc.lang_ not in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES and doc.lang_ not in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES) or \
            doc.lang_ not in SpacyNameDetector.NOUN_TAGS:
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Language {doc.lang_} is not supported by SpacyNameTitleDetector")

    noun_tags = SpacyNameDetector.NOUN_TAGS[doc.lang_]

    # Loop over each token in the document
    for token in doc:
        # This is used to ensure that we don't go into the next/previous sentence
        tokens_ids_in_sentence = [span_token.i for span_token in token.sent]
        # If the token is :, include the previous token, so ['From', ':'] becomes 'from:'
        text = SpacyNameDetector._token_to_text(token, doc)

        # If this token is a prefix, search forwards for nouns
        if doc.lang_ in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES and \
                text in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES[doc.lang_]:
            search_tokens = [
                tok for tok in doc[token.i:token.i + SpacyNameDetector.TOKEN_SEARCH_DISTANCE + 1]
                if tok.i in tokens_ids_in_sentence
            doc = SpacyNameDetector.find_names(doc=doc, tokens=search_tokens, noun_tags=noun_tags)

        # If this token is a suffix, search backwards for nouns
        if doc.lang_ in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_SUFFIXES and \
                text in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_SUFFIXES[doc.lang_]:
            search_tokens = [
                tok for tok in doc[token.i - SpacyNameDetector.TOKEN_SEARCH_DISTANCE:token.i + 1]
                if tok.i in tokens_ids_in_sentence
            ][::-1]  # We search backwards since its the words closest to the suffix that matter most
            doc = SpacyNameDetector.find_names(doc=doc, tokens=search_tokens, noun_tags=noun_tags)

    return doc

[docs]@register_detector class SpacyNameDetector(SpacyEntityDetector): """Add an extension to the spacy detector to look for tokens that often occur before or after names of people's names, a prefix might be Hello as in "Hello Jane", or Mrs as in "Mrs Jane Smith" and a suffix could be PhD as in "Jane Smith PhD". See the ``SpacyDetector`` for further info on how to use this detector as it shares many similar options. Currently only english prefixes and sufixes are supported, but other language titles can be easily added, as in the example below: >>> import scrubadub, scrubadub_spacy >>> scrubadub_spacy.detectors.spacy_name_title.SpacyNameDetector.NOUN_TAGS['de'] = ['NN', 'NE', 'NNE'] >>> scrubadub_spacy.detectors.spacy_name_title.SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES['de'] = ['frau', 'herr'] >>> detector = scrubadub_spacy.detectors.spacy_name_title.SpacyNameDetector(locale='de_DE', model='de_core_news_sm', ... include_spacy=False) >>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(detector_list=[detector], locale='de_DE') >>> scrubber.clean("bleib dort Frau Schmidt") 'bleib dort {{NAME+NAME}}' """ name = "spacy_name" NAME_PREFIXES = { "en": [ # Titles 'mr', 'mr.', 'mister', 'mrs', 'mrs.', 'misses', 'ms', 'ms.', 'miss', 'dr', 'dr.', 'doctor', 'prof', 'prof.', 'professor', 'lord', 'lady', 'rev', 'rev.', 'reverend', 'hon', 'hon.', 'honourable', 'hhj', 'honorable', 'judge', 'sir', 'madam', # Greetings 'hello', 'dear', 'hi', 'hey', 'regards', # emails 'to:', 'from:', 'sender:', ], } NAME_SUFFIXES = { "en": ['phd', 'bsc', 'msci', 'ba', 'md', 'qc', 'ma', 'mba'], } NOUN_TAGS = { 'en': ["NNP", "NN", "NNPS"], } # This is the number of tokens to look for a name after the title TOKEN_SEARCH_DISTANCE = 3 # This is the minimum number of tokens that is considered a name MINIMUM_NAME_LENGTH = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, include_spacy: bool = True, **kwargs): """Initialise the ``Detector``. :param include_spacy: include default spacy library in addition to title detector. :type include_spacy: bool, default, False :param named_entities: Limit the named entities to those in this list, defaults to ``{'PERSON', 'PER', 'ORG'}``. :type named_entities: Iterable[str], optional :param model: The name of the spacy model to use, it must contain a 'ner' step in the model pipeline (most do, but not all). :type model: str, optional :param name: Overrides the default name of the :class:``Detector`` :type name: str, optional :param locale: The locale of the documents in the format: 2 letter lower-case language code followed by an underscore and the two letter upper-case country code, eg "en_GB" or "de_CH". :type locale: str, optional """ Doc.set_extension('person_titles', default=None, force=True) super(SpacyNameDetector, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Add the expand person title component after the named entity recognizer self.nlp.add_pipe('expand_person_entities', after='ner') self.include_spacy = include_spacy
@staticmethod def _get_affix_entities(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) -> Iterable[spacy.tokens.span.Span]: return doc._.person_titles @staticmethod def _get_affix_and_spacy_entities(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) -> Iterable[spacy.tokens.span.Span]: return (doc.ents + tuple(doc._.person_titles))
[docs] @staticmethod def find_names(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc, tokens: Sequence[spacy.tokens.token.Token], noun_tags: List[str]) -> spacy.tokens.doc.Doc: """This function searches for possilbe names in a flagged set of tokens and adds them to the identified entities.""" span_obj = SpacyNameDetector._get_name_token_ids( tokens=tokens, noun_tags=noun_tags, ) doc = SpacyNameDetector._append_tokens(doc, span_obj) filtered_tokens = SpacyNameDetector._remove_trigger_tokens( tokens=tokens, doc=doc, ) span_obj_no_triggers = SpacyNameDetector._get_name_token_ids( tokens=filtered_tokens, noun_tags=noun_tags, ) doc = SpacyNameDetector._append_tokens(doc, span_obj_no_triggers) return doc
@staticmethod def _token_to_text(token, doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) -> str: """This converts the tokens to text so that they can be looked up in NAME_PREFIXES or NAME_SUFFIXES.""" text = token.text if text == ':': text = doc[token.i - 1].text + ':' return text.lower() @staticmethod def _get_name_token_ids(tokens: Sequence[spacy.tokens.token.Token], noun_tags) -> List[int]: """Get the ID of all tokens near to the trigger word that are nouns and not stop words.""" span_obj = [] # type: List[int] for token in tokens: if token.dep_ == "punct": continue if token.tag_ not in noun_tags or token.is_stop: break span_obj.append(token.i) return span_obj @staticmethod def _append_tokens(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc, span_obj: List[int]) -> spacy.tokens.doc.Doc: """Append the given token span to the identified entities.""" if len(span_obj) < SpacyNameDetector.MINIMUM_NAME_LENGTH: return doc # create slice with spacy span to include new entity entity = Span(doc, min(span_obj), max(span_obj) + 1, label="PERSON") # update spacy ents to include the new entity if entity not in doc._.person_titles: doc._.person_titles.append(entity) return doc @staticmethod def _remove_trigger_tokens(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc, tokens: Sequence[spacy.tokens.token.Token]) -> Sequence[spacy.tokens.token.Token]: """Remove all trigger words from the start and end of a sequence of tokens.""" tokens_to_remove = [] # type: List[str] if doc.lang_ in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES: tokens_to_remove += SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES[doc.lang_] if doc.lang_ in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_SUFFIXES: tokens_to_remove += SpacyNameDetector.NAME_SUFFIXES[doc.lang_] sorted_tokens = sorted((tok for tok in tokens if tok.dep_ != "punct" or tok.text == ':'), key=lambda tok: tok.i) while len(sorted_tokens) > 0: first_token = sorted_tokens[0] text = SpacyNameDetector._token_to_text(first_token, doc) if text not in tokens_to_remove: break # Filter out all tokens that are before the `first_token` if that token is a trigger word tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if tok.i > first_token.i] sorted_tokens = sorted((tok for tok in tokens if tok.dep_ != "punct" or tok.text == ':'), key=lambda tok: tok.i) while len(sorted_tokens) > 0: last_token = sorted_tokens[-1] text = SpacyNameDetector._token_to_text(last_token, doc) if text not in tokens_to_remove: break # Filter out all tokens that are after the `last_token` if that token is a trigger word tokens = [tok for tok in tokens if tok.i < last_token.i] sorted_tokens = sorted((tok for tok in tokens if tok.dep_ != "punct" or tok.text == ':'), key=lambda tok: tok.i) return tokens
[docs] def iter_filth_documents(self, document_list: Sequence[str], document_names: Sequence[Optional[str]]) -> Generator[Filth, None, None]: """Yields discovered filth in a list of documents. :param document_list: A list of documents to clean. :type document_list: List[str] :param document_names: A list containing the name of each document. :type document_names: List[str] :return: A list containing all the spacy doc :rtype: Sequence[Optional[str]] """ if self.include_spacy: entity_function = self._get_affix_and_spacy_entities else: entity_function = self._get_affix_entities yield from self._yield_filth(document_list, document_names, get_entity_function=entity_function)
[docs] @classmethod def supported_locale(cls, locale: str) -> bool: """Returns true if this ``Detector`` supports the given locale. :param locale: The locale of the documents in the format: 2 letter lower-case language code followed by an underscore and the two letter upper-case country code, eg "en_GB" or "de_CH". :type locale: str :return: ``True`` if the locale is supported, otherwise ``False`` :rtype: bool """ language, region = cls.locale_split(locale) return ( (language in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_PREFIXES or language in SpacyNameDetector.NAME_SUFFIXES) and language in SpacyNameDetector.NOUN_TAGS )
__all__ = ['SpacyNameDetector']