
By default, scrubadub removes content from text that may reveal personal identity, but there are certainly circumstances where you may want to customize the behavior of scrubadub. This section outlines a few of these use cases. If you don’t see your particular use case here, please take a look under the hood and contribute it back to the documentation!

Anatomy of scrubadub

scrubadub consists of four separate components:

  • Filth objects are used to identify specific parts of the dirty dirty text that contains sensitive information.

  • Detector objects are used to detect specific types of Filth.

  • PostProcessor objects are used to alter the found Filth. This could be to replace the Filth with a hash or token.

  • The Scrubber is responsible for managing the cleaning process. It keeps track of the Detector, PostProcessor and Filth objects. It also resolves conflicts that may arise between different Detector objects.

Three types of detector

There are three types of detectors:
  • default detectors, that are enabled by default

  • optional detectors, that need to be enabled manually

  • external detectors, that need to be installed separately, imported and then enabled.

In the list below you can see which detectors are included by default and which ones arent. For more information about these detectors checkout the detector documentation.

Adding an optional or external detector

To add an optional detector, create a scrubber, add the detector and then scrub away. This is shown below:

>>> import scrubadub
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber()
>>> scrubber.add_detector(scrubadub.detectors.DateOfBirthDetector)
>>> scrubber.clean("I was born on 5th December 1983")
'I was born {{DATE_OF_BIRTH}}'

To add an external detector install the package, import the installed package, and then follow the above example:

>>> import scrubadub, scrubadub_spacy
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber()
>>> scrubber.add_detector(scrubadub_spacy.detectors.SpacyEntityDetector)
>>> scrubber.clean("My name is John")
'My name is {{NAME}}'


If you don’t happen to speak english or live in the US, you will find the localisation helpful. You can tell the scrubber which locale to use.

>>> import scrubadub
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(locale='de_DE')
>>> scrubber.clean('Meine Telefonnummer ist 05086 63680')
'Meine Telefonnummer ist {{PHONE}}'

If you’re not sure about the format of the locale code, if you want more examples or if you want to build a localised detector, checkout our documentation on localisation.

Removing a detector

In some instances, you may wish to suppress a particular detector from removing information. For example, if you have a specific reason to keep email addresses in the resulting output, you can disable the email address cleaning like this:

>>> import scrubadub, scrubadub_spacy
>>> text = "contact Joe Duffy at"
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber()
>>> scrubber.add_detector(scrubadub_spacy.detectors.SpacyEntityDetector)
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'contact {{NAME}} at {{EMAIL}}'
>>> scrubber.remove_detector('email')
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'contact {{NAME}} at'

Configuring a detector

It is sometimes important to configure detectors before using them. One example is the SpacyEntityDetector which takes a model argument. In the model argument you can say which model spacy should use to identify named entites. If the model argument is not given, it uses a model based on your locale. To detect named entities in french you would do the following:

>>> import scrubadub, scrubadub_spacy
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(locale='fr_FR')
>>> detector = scrubadub_spacy.detectors.SpacyEntityDetector(model='fr_core_news_lg')
>>> scrubber.add_detector(detector)
>>> text = "contacter Emmanuel Pereira au 01 81 36 78 86"
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'contacter {{NAME}} au {{PHONE}}'

Customizing filth markers

By default, scrubadub uses mustache notation to signify what has been removed from the dirty dirty text. The default setup is shown below:

>>> import scrubadub
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(post_processor_list=[
...     scrubadub.post_processors.FilthReplacer(),
...     scrubadub.post_processors.PrefixSuffixReplacer(),
... ])
>>> scrubber.clean("contact me at (478)345-1309 or")
'contact me at {{PHONE}} or {{EMAIL}}'

This can be inconvenient in situations where you want to display the information differently. You can alter the arguments passed to the scrubadub.post_processors.FilthReplacer constructor to include the filth type, a number unique to that filth and a hash of that filth, see the post_processors reference for the set of options available. You can also customize the mustache notation by setting the prefix and suffix arguments in the scrubadub.post_processors.PrefixSuffixReplacer constructor. As an example, to display a hash of the Filth in bold HTML, you could to do this:

>>> import scrubadub
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(post_processor_list=[
...     scrubadub.post_processors.FilthReplacer(include_hash=True, hash_salt='example', hash_length=5),
...     scrubadub.post_processors.PrefixSuffixReplacer(prefix='<b>', suffix='</b>'),
... ])
>>> scrubber.clean("contact me on (478)345-1309 or")
'contact me on <b>PHONE-DB92D</b> or <b>EMAIL-028CC</b>'

Adding and removing detectors

The Detectors included in the Scrubber can be set when initialising the Scrubber using the detector_list parameter. Detectors can also be added or removed from the scrubber at any time by calling Scrubber.remove_detector and Scrubber.add_detector. These functions can be passed one of:

  • a string – the detector name (e.g., which is set to 'credit_card')

  • a Detector object – an instance of a Detector class

  • a Detector class – a Detector class

It is important to note that two Detectors cant be added to the same Scrubber with the same name. If you want to add two copies of the same Detector to a Scrubber, you can set a name in the constructor.

Examples of this are given below:

>>> import scrubadub
>>> # Create a detector with a name 'example_email'
>>> detector = scrubadub.detectors.EmailDetector(name='example_email')

>>> # Detectors can be added on Scrubber initialisation
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(detector_list=[detector, ])

>>> # add/remove a detector with a Detector instance
>>> scrubber.remove_detector(detector)

>>> # adds/removes detector with the default name 'email' using the class
>>> scrubber.add_detector(scrubadub.detectors.EmailDetector)
>>> scrubber.remove_detector(scrubadub.detectors.EmailDetector)

>>> # Adds/removes the scrubadub.detectors.EmailDetector detector, see the `name` attribute of the detector
>>> scrubber.add_detector('email')
>>> scrubber.remove_detector('email')

>>> # Add back the original instance
>>> scrubber.add_detector(detector)

>>> # KeyError is thrown if two detectors have the same name
>>> scrubber.add_detector(detector)
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'can not add Detector "example_email" to this Scrubber, this name is already in use. Try removing it first.'

Searching for supplied filth

You can provide scrubadub with known filth to remove. This is particularly useful if you have a database of PII that you want to be certain is removed.

If you’re trying to remove names from a document, it can be very hard: Is River Farrier the name of a river or the daughter of Mr Farrier? The name detectors will do their best, given the context, but can never be 100% accurate. However, if you know that River Farrier is indeed a person you can instruct scrubadub to always remove it using the scrubadub.detectors.UserSuppliedFilthDetector.

The UserSuppliedFilthDetector takes a list of dictionaries in it’s constructor. Each dictionary represents one piece of filth that you want to remove. The two fields are required in the dictionary: match (the text to find) and filth_type (the type of filth, taken from Filth.type). There are also other optional fields that change how the match is made. In the example below we’re looking for the name river farrier and ignoring the case of the match.

>>> import scrubadub, scrubadub_spacy
>>> supplied_filth_detector = scrubadub.detectors.UserSuppliedFilthDetector([
...     {'match': 'river farrier', 'filth_type': 'name', 'ignore_case': True},
... ])
>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber()
>>> text = "Who can find River Farrier further down the river?"
>>> scrubber.add_detector(scrubadub_spacy.detectors.SpacyEntityDetector(model='en_core_web_trf'))
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'Who can find River Farrier further down the river?'
>>> scrubber.add_detector(supplied_filth_detector)
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'Who can find {{NAME}} further down the river?'

A full list of the supported optional fields in the dictonary (such as ignore_case), can be found in the scrubadub.detectors.UserSuppliedFilthDetector documentation.

Adding a new type of filth detector

It is quite common for particular use cases of scrubadub to require obfuscation of specific types of filth. If you run across something that is very general, please contribute it back! In the meantime, you can always add your own Filth and Detectors like this:

>>> import scrubadub

>>> class MyFilth(scrubadub.filth.Filth):
...     type = 'mine'

>>> class MyDetector(scrubadub.detectors.Detector):
...     name = 'my_detector'
...     def iter_filth(self, text, document_name=None):
...         # This detector always returns this same Filth no matter the input.
...         # You should implement something better here.
...         yield MyFilth(beg=0, end=8, text='My stuff', document_name=document_name,

>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber()
>>> scrubber.add_detector(MyDetector)
>>> text = "My stuff can be found there."
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'{{MINE}} can be found there.'

When initialising your Filth in the Detector.iter_filth function, be sure to pass on the name of the document and the name of the detector that found the filth. While this isn’t required, passing the name of the detector allows the Detector comparison functions to work and passing the name of the document allows batch analysis of related documents with one call to the Scrubber.

You can find out more about the other features available when creating Detectors in the creating new detectors documentation.

Adding a new type of post processor

You can add a new type of PostProcessor using the example below. So far the PostProcessors in scrubadub are focused on setting the Filths replacement_string variable (which eventually replaces the Filth in the cleaned text). However, PostProcessors could be used for many tasks including validation and grouping similar Filth together.

>>> import scrubadub

>>> class PIIReplacer(scrubadub.post_processors.PostProcessor):
...     name = 'pii_replacer'
...     def process_filth(self, filth_list):
...         for filth in filth_list:
...             # replacement_string is what the Filth will be replaced by
...             filth.replacement_string = 'PII'
...         return filth_list

>>> scrubber = scrubadub.Scrubber(post_processor_list=[
...     PIIReplacer(),
...     scrubadub.post_processors.PrefixSuffixReplacer(),
... ])
>>> text = "contact me on (478)345-1309 or"
>>> scrubber.clean(text)
'contact me on {{PII}} or {{PII}}'

Following the API of the Detectors you can similarly add and remove PostProcessors with Scrubber.remove_post_processor and Scrubber.add_post_processor.