Source code for scrubadub.detectors.catalogue

import inspect
import catalogue

from typing import Type, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

    from scrubadub.detectors import Detector

detector_catalogue = catalogue.create('scrubadub', 'detectors', entry_points=True)

[docs]def register_detector(detector: Type['Detector'], *, autoload: Optional[bool] = None) -> Type['Detector']: """Register a detector for use with the ``Scrubber`` class. You can use ``register_detector(NewDetector, autoload=True)`` after your detector definition to automatically register it with the ``Scrubber`` class so that it can be used to remove Filth. The argument ``autoload``decides whether a new ``Scrubber()`` instance should load this ``detector`` by default. .. code:: pycon >>> import scrubadub >>> class NewDetector(scrubadub.detectors.Detector): ... pass >>> scrubadub.detectors.register_detector(NewDetector, autoload=False) <class 'scrubadub.detectors.catalogue.NewDetector'> :param detector: The ``Detector`` to register with the scrubadub detector configuration. :type detector: Detector class :param autoload: Whether to automatically load this ``Detector`` on ``Scrubber`` initialisation. :type autoload: Optional[bool] """ if not inspect.isclass(detector): raise ValueError("detector should be a class, not an instance.") if autoload is not None: detector.autoload = autoload detector_catalogue.register(, func=detector) return detector
[docs]def remove_detector(detector: Union[Type['Detector'], str]): """Remove an already registered detector. .. code:: pycon >>> import scrubadub >>> class NewDetector(scrubadub.detectors.Detector): ... pass >>> scrubadub.detectors.catalogue.register_detector(NewDetector, autoload=False) <class 'scrubadub.detectors.catalogue.NewDetector'> >>> scrubadub.detectors.catalogue.remove_detector(NewDetector) :param detector: The ``Detector`` to register with the scrubadub detector configuration. :type detector: Union[Type['PostProcessor'], str] :param autoload: Whether to automatically load this ``Detector`` on ``Scrubber`` initialisation. :type autoload: bool """ if isinstance(detector, str): if detector in detector_catalogue: catalogue._remove((*detector_catalogue.namespace, detector)) elif inspect.isclass(detector): if in detector_catalogue: catalogue._remove((*detector_catalogue.namespace, else: raise ValueError("detector should be a class (not an instance) or a string.")